Conference Speakers

Kurt Skelly
  • Faith Baptist Church - Fredericksburg, VA
Wayne Sehmish
  • Missionary to Thailand
Doug Fisher
  • Lighthouse Baptist Church - San Diego, CA

The word “stand” seems to be an easy enough action. It can often be misconstrued as passive, almost casual in its outworking. Yet, when put in the context of standing when there’s forces that want you to bow, sit or cower, then to stand is actually an action of bravery, commitment and an outworking of an inner conviction.

Standing in this sense is then needful when we consider what’s at stake today. Much of the world we live in today as Christians can lend itself to forcing us to shy away from the spotlight. Cancel culture, and the outrage of the loud and proud when the truth is proclaimed can lead us to feeling fearful. The world is telling us to sit down, be silent and cower for fear of the backlash. Yet, we are called to stand. We are called to stand up against the forces of darkness and in the power of His might proclaim the truth, to be the truth. With grace and love, we are to stand for what’s right. With power and sound speech, we are to speak up and take a stand against the erosion of morality and decency in our ever darker day.

So, the simple command to “stand” coupled with an inner strength of conviction to do so when it’s tough has become much more needed today. 

Plan on coming to our Leadership Conference this year, and may the Word of God stir us to stand in our day! We hope to see you in Brisbane for some fellowship around God’s Word, exhortation through inspirational, powerful and yet practical preaching, and equipping to stand strong for the Lord. 


Conference Schedule



9:00am — LIFE Groups

10:30am — Morning Service

6:00pm — Evening Service



5:30pm — Free Sausage Sizzle + Registration open

7:00pm — Evening Session 1 + Kids Conference

8:00pm — Evening Session 2 + Kids Conference

9:00pm — Refreshments + Cafe open



8:00am — Registration open + Cafe open

9:00am — Morning Session 1

10:00am — Refreshments + Cafe open

10:30am — Morning Session 2 + Kids Conference

11:20am — Morning Split Sessions (Men/Ladies/Teens) + Kids Conference

6:00pm — Registration open

7:00pm — Evening Session 1 + Kids Conference

8:00pm — Evening Session 2 + Kids Conference

9:00pm — Refreshments + Cafe open



8:00am — Cafe open

8:30am — Registration open

9:00am — Morning Session 1

10:00am — Refreshments + Cafe open

10:30am — Morning Session 2 + Kids Conference

11:20am — Morning Split Sessions (Men/Ladies/Teens) + Kids Conference

6:00pm — Registration open

7:00pm — Evening Session 

8:30pm — Refreshments + Cafe open

2023 Highlights